Craniopharyngiomas may vary greatly in size. Small intrasellar
tumors only 6 or 7 mm in diameter may be detected in
amenorrheic young women and may be mistaken for
prolactin-secreting adenomas whereas large tumors may occupy
a significant portion of the intracranial volume. Almost all
of these tumors have both solid and cystic portions, and
even portions that appear densely calcified on diagnostic
studies usually contain small cysts. The fluid in these
cysts may be yellow, light tan, greenish, dark black (like
machine oil), or even milky white, and can range in
viscosity from watery to sludgelike. Cystic
craniopharyngioma fluid contains suspended cholesterol
crystals, which can be recognized by their characteristic
The microscopic appearance typically shows an external layer of
high columnar epithelium, a variable portion of polygonal
cells, and a central network of epithelial cells. These
epithelial bands are supported by a mesodermal connective
tissue stroma. Papillary structures are common and are
recognized as islands of squamous cells showing stellate
forms in their interior. Regressive changes in the
epithelial cells may vary from cellular liquefaction to
cellular swelling with deposition of keratin-like material.
The central stroma may degenerate, leading to cyst
formation. Cysts may coalesce to produce large cystic
components. Cyst walls can vary from thin, diaphanous
membranes to thick, tough structures, which may be hard and
rigid because of calcium salt deposition. Calcification is
found on microscopic examination in approximately half of
adult craniopharyngiomas and in almost all those in
Craniopharyngiomas often cause an intense glial reaction in
subjacent brain. This reaction is particularly dense around
small papillary tumor projections toward the hypothalamus.
Some authors have stated that traction on this glial
attachment will always lead to hypothalamic infarction and
thus preclude safe total removal of the tumor. However, the
attachment to the nervous system has proved to be very
limited in some cases. Hoffman and colleagues reported
autopsy findings in two children with large tumors in which
the only attachment of the tumor was at the tuber cinereum.
Others have reported similar experiences, especially with
cystic tumors of the papillary type. Moreover, others have
found that this "glial envelope" often provides a plane in
which it is possible to dissect without damaging neural
Craniopharyngiomas may be adherent to major arteries at the base
of the brain. The internal carotid artery was the only site
of attachment that prevented total removal in 6 of a series
of 23 children. Tumor remaining after attempted total
removal is more likely to be adherent to a major artery than
to the hypothalamus or chiasm. It may be that the
mesenchymal reaction of the vessel wall to tumor produces a
tougher and more tenacious attachment than does glial
Craniopharyngiomas in the suprasellar region derive their blood
supply from small arterial feeders arising from the anterior
cerebral and anterior communicating arteries or from the
internal carotid and posterior communicating arteries.
Pertuiset makes the important point that craniopharyngiomas
do not receive blood from the posterior cerebral arteries or
from the basilar artery bifurcation unless the blood supply
of the floor of the third ventricle is parasitized, a fact
basic to removal of retrosellar portions of tumors. Within
the sella, the tumor may be supplied by small arteries that
penetrate the dura of the cavernous sinuses.
Occasional cases of extremely aggressive craniopharyngiomas with
rapid growth and recurrence are reported, including
postirradiation cases, but it is generally held that these
tumors do not undergo malignant degeneration. Matson and
Crigler specifically denied that craniopharyngiomas invade
the brain.